Saturday, November 2, 2013

Needing to get some things off my chest.

So, like usual, I have had a lot on my plate.
For one, I am still looking for a job.
Well, not very actively.
Ever since I left working at Domino's, I've been in the most awful depressive rut. I know I have to figure something out for Lily, but I cant bring myself to finish filling out applications or to take them in.
The longer I am in this rut, the harder it is becoming to pull myself out of it. 
I feel like I have been wasting my life for the past three years. All of the people I went to high school with have gotten degrees and are starting careers, while the only work experience I have is in food service.
I recently looked up the cost of going to culinary school because that is what I want to do with the rest of my life, and the price literally made me cry.
They want $15,000 for a 12 week course.

I am FREAKING OUT about Christmas.
I have no idea how I am going to get Lily Christmas presents.
I guess I really need to get off my butt about that job thing.


I tried my hand at making Curry for the first time.
It was sooooo good but I wasn't completely satisfied with the recipe.
Has anybody ever used coconut milk in their curry? I want to try a recipe using it.
As soon as I find a recipe I like, I will post about it.

Halloween went well, Lily was a fairy, and I made the costume myself!
it turned out awfully sweet. We went trick or treating and brought back a couple pounds of candy, despise Lily not wanting to approach half the houses because any Halloween decoration scared the bejeezus out of her.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading!
Lots of love,